The old joke in the Nordics is:
The Finns design the products, The Swedes make the products, The Danes sell the products, ...
Some narcissists may approach an ex partner, if they need them for their resources or for attention. A great source of supply doesn't come easy, if ever again. I seriously ...
Can a military officer casually speak with his platoon members?
Of course not. Officers are gentlemen, and do not speak with the common rabble. When an officer wants somethi...
There is a joke I once heard: "How do you tell a novice Airbus pilot from the experienced Airbus pilot?" "When the Airbus' sophisticated automation kicks in, the novice Aib...
That's hard to answer, because it all depended on "which" German you asked. One of my cousins, who served in Afrika Korps (assigned to an 88 crew and was also a medic), was...
Regret. And disapointment.
I had an emergency c cection at week 33 because I went into labour and the twins were considered to small to survive a normal birth. All my friend...
No. Real INFJs aren't. Narcissists who take these tests and identify with being "sensitive" think they're INFJs. Narcissists are sensitive to criticism. INFJS are sensitive...
It depends.
5 years ago my answer would have been an unambiguous, enthusiastic yes to anyone working in visualization. D3.js was the only comprehensive framework for buildin...
I'd advice you to avoid certain shady neighborhoods, especially during night. My friend has just told me about how he came back from one of these and he has almost been att...
That depends on what Susanoo are we talking about, then let see these and what they did:
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